Cleaning Without Harsh Chemicals

There are many ways to make simple changes and practice safe cleaning practices. Typical household cleaners contain many harsh ingredients that may work in killing germs and removing stains, but also can be detrimental to the health of those in the home. Harsh chemicals in cleaning agents can cause skin irritations, such as eczema. These types of chemicals can also cause airway irritation, eye irritation, allergies, and other health issues. This is without even mentioning the risk of poisoning to small children and pets.

Here are some tips for safer cleaning practices:

  • Aim to invest in products that say they are green, nontoxic, petroleum-free, biodegradable, phosphate-free, or solvent-free
  • Dilute cleaning products with water, which saves you money and oftentimes still clean effectively while limiting the harsh exposure to any chemicals
  • Do not use spray-on carpet cleaners or antibacterial soap
  • Make your own household cleaners with nontoxic household items, such as baking soda, soap, and vinegar.

If you hire a cleaning service, make sure you are on the same page as far as your cleaning regimen, so that your aim for safe-cleaning is understood. Also, do not ever have any cleaning done with children or pets in the room.

Some people think believe they have to “smell” cleaning products in order to feel their home is really clean. Natural cleaning products can be mixed with essential oils that smell better than any chemical-laden product and are completely safe to use.

Here are just a few examples of cleaners that can be make from things you typically keep in your home already:

In a spray bottle, mix one cup of undiluted white vinegar with 1 cup of water.  In the kitchen, you can use this mixture to clean counter-tops, your stove-top, and back splash areas.

Undiluted white vinegar can be used for hard-water deposits or soap scum.

In order to clean bathtubs and vanities, you can use a damp sponge sprinkled with baking soda. For tougher grime, make a paste using baking soda and water.   Apply it to your tub or sink and allow it to stand for 10-20 minutes. The paste will soften dirt, soap scum, and deposits making them easier to remove.  Wash and rinse the area.

Add one cup of undiluted white vinegar to the laundry rinse cycle to substitute a typical fabric softener. It softens clothes and cuts detergent residue.  It is also a great alternative for those who are sensitive to scent.

For a consultation to discuss your home care needs, in your home or office, booking our team of professional green cleaners in Sacramento.

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Patmos Cleaning