Frequently Asked Questions

Get ready for a dazzling display of cleanliness! Our superstars are masters in the arena of tidiness, taming unruly floors, transforming bathrooms into shining sanctuaries, turning kitchens into gleaming hubs of culinary dreams, and dusting away any pesky intruders that dare to dull your home's sparkle.

Got a unique cleaning challenge for us? Bring it on! We're more than happy to customize our cleaning routine to match your specific needs. Your wish is our command! To learn more about the stellar services we provide, take a gander at our 'checklists' tab. It's like getting a backstage pass to the concert of cleanliness that is Patmos Cleaning, your trusted partner for house cleaning in Sacramento.

That, my friend, is entirely up to you! Think of us as your personal cleanliness concierge, ready to turn your home into a clean haven as often as you'd like. Bi-weekly cleanings are a hit among our clients and certainly our most popular - it's like having a mini-home makeover every two weeks!


That being said, if you're more of a 'weekly sparkle' or 'monthly deep-clean kind of person, we're on board with that too. And for those spontaneous moments when you just need a quick sprucing up, remember - Patmos Cleaning is just a call away.

Please keep in mind, there are minimums for all services - but don't let that deter you. Feel free to call our office for all the juicy details and let's get started on your journey to a consistently clean home in Sacramento!

Patmos Cleaning Serves Sacramento, Roseville,El Dorado Hills, Folsom, and surrounding areas..

Absolutely not! Our capable crew of cleaning wizards is as trustworthy as they come. If you're out living your best life, all we need is a way to access your home - a lockbox or a keyed entry/garage code will do just fine. We’ve moved on from the key-holding days and currently, keys to your kingdom stay right where they belong, with you!

In the rare event, you don’t have a lockbox or code, perhaps you could have us meet a friendly neighbor or a home watch company to wave their magic wand (or key) and let us in. A key hidden under the mat would also work - we love a good treasure hunt! Just remember, arranging access to your property will be your party planning responsibility. If you need more details, a friendly chat, or if you need help setting up a secret handshake with our team, feel free to give our office a ring.

Great question! At Patmos Cleaning, we are a ton of fun, but we take your safety and peace of mind very seriously. That's why we've got our own version of a superhero screening process! Each member of our squad has passed a thorough background check with the sheriff's department.

But that's not all. Our heroes don't just show up on your doorstep - they undergo rigorous on-the-job training, safety briefings, product tutorials, and even have to ace our company policy exams. So, you can rest assured knowing that not only are they professional cleanliness crusaders, but they're also well-prepared to respect your surfaces and maintain a safe environment while delivering top-notch cleaning services in Sacramento.

"What happens if I need to shake up the cleaning schedule?"

No worries at all! Life happens, and schedules can sometimes resemble a game of Tetris. If you need to skip, tweak, or outright cancel your appointment, all we ask is for a 2 BUSINESS DAYS heads up so we can reshuffle our cleaning superstar's schedule. If you're eyeing to skip or cancel your Monday appointments, please don't drop us an email over the weekend. We do have fees that apply.

Why do we do this? Well, keeping our staff's schedules consistent and full is our secret sauce to happy, loyal Patmos Cleaning team members, and this translates to happier, cleaner homes for you in Sacramento! It's our win-win approach to top-notch service.

Absolutely! Just like a dance partner, sometimes the rhythm isn't quite right. We've got a whole crew of cleaning maestros at Patmos Cleaning and we're more than happy to find your perfect match. And don't worry, there won't be any awkwardness - we won't spill the beans to the technician about your request. Your wish is a private chat between you and the management. After all, our main goal is to ensure you're completely happy with your house cleaning services in Sacramento!

You bet! We're as committed to the quality of our work as a beaver is to building a dam. If you ever spot a corner or crevice we missed, just let us know within 24 hours and we'll swoop in for a cleanup encore, no questions asked.

Your feedback is like the North Star to us - guiding us to constant improvement and helping us serve you better. So, please do pick up the phone and give us a shout. We're all ears and always ready to make things just right for you. We're committed to ensuring you receive the highest quality house cleaning services in Sacramento.

Not at all! We arrive equipped with our own battalion of cleaning products. If you have a special potion you'd like us to use, just leave it out and our cleaning team will take it from there. Just a heads up though - we are a bleach-free band, but if you're a fan of bleach, feel free to leave it out for us. Just remember, bleach can be a bit of a drama queen, and we can't be responsible for any diva-like damage it may cause.

One thing we do recommend is for you to provide the vacuum cleaner. This helps prevent any unsolicited visits from pet dander or pesky bed bugs. It’s the only thing we can’t disinfect between homes btw.  Especially if you're allergy-prone or have any concerns about vacuums, having one ready for us would be fantastic. This way, we can focus on delivering top-notch house cleaning services in Sacramento without a hitch!

We've made it simple as pie! On the day of the service, you can leave your payment at the property in the form of cash or a check. For our records, and to keep everything running smoothly, we also require credit card information for all our clients prior to your first cleaning. Just in case the cash or check didn't make it, we'll put your credit card to work for the services. This way, you can enjoy a stress-free, seamless payment process while we work our magic to keep your home in Sacramento shining bright!


Although we treat your home with the utmost care, we acknowledge that accidents can happen. Fear not! We're fully insured to cover any claims, and for minor mishaps, we're ready to replace or reimburse for any items that may have been damaged.

However, it's worth noting that we can't take responsibility for precariously hung pictures, teetering light fixtures, or wobbly fans. If there's anything in your home that can't be replaced from a quick trip to Target or HomeGoods, please let us know before we begin our cleaning adventure. We'll label it a 'no-touch' item to avoid any potential heartaches. After all, we're in the business of adding sparkle to your home in Sacramento, not subtracting it!

Not on our watch! Patmos Cleaning comes fully equipped with worker’s compensation for all our staff. If a tumble or trip happens on your turf, we've got it covered - you won't bear any responsibility.

Here's why this is super important: Worker’s compensation insurance is the unsung hero that distinguishes a service like ours from an independent cleaner. If one of our crew members has an unfortunate accident at your home, we've got the costs covered. But if an independent cleaner were to slip or fall while cleaning your home, it's a toss-up whether your homeowner's insurance would cover it or not.

All joking aside, we’ve seen it happen. It’s a physical job and injuries can occur. This is something really crucial to remember when you're inviting someone into your home to work. A single slip in a shower could not only end a cleaning tech's career, but also lead to ongoing health issues, surgeries, and therapy. So, while we make your home in Sacramento shine, you can rest easy knowing that we're as serious about our team's safety as we are about your home's cleanliness.

Have you ever seen a clown car at the circus and the clowns just keep pouring out of the car? That’s what some cleaning companies do. They pack people in a car all day and send them to 6-8 houses each day to clean. It’s hectic, It’s manic, nobody’s in charge, and nobody takes pride of ownership of their area. This is just not our jamb here at Patmos Cleaning.

In the spirit of providing top-notch, personalized service, we usually assign a single cleaner for all regular maintenance cleanings. Experience has shown us that one dedicated person gets to know your home better and can provide a more tailored and high-quality cleaning. Our solo stars are all graduates of our Perfect Maintenance Cleaning Training and System. You'll love the individual attention they give to your home!

However, for our larger projects that require over 4 hours of cleaning, we deploy a dynamic duo. The same goes for first-time cleanings, deluxe deep cleanings, and move-in/out cleanings.

Don’t worry, our cleaning techs don’t get lonely. They LOVE it.

In the realm of regular recurring maintenance cleanings, whether weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, we assign one cleaner to your castle. If your regular cleaner is out sick or enjoying a well-deserved day off, we'll step in with a substitute so that your cleaning session goes on as scheduled. We put in serious elbow grease to keep the same staff assigned to your home, maintaining consistency for you and for them. We do our best to keep you in the loop with any changes, but in case of any last-minute switch-ups, our end game is always to have your home cleaned, no matter what.

Rest assured, we keep comprehensive notes on each recurring client's preferences, so we're always prepared! Now, if your cleaning sessions are every 3 weeks or on an as-needed basis, you may not always have the same cleaner. But, don't fret! We have a fantastic lineup of cleaners, all trained and certified in our Perfect Maintenance Cleaning program, ready to jump in and make your home sparkle.

Just like a hot potato, we're no longer playing the key-holding game for your home or property. So, we kindly ask you to consider other options such as keyless entry, a lockbox, or a garage code. If you want to go old school, a key under the mat works too (just remember to leave it out for us). The thought of your key gallivanting around Sacramento gives us the jitters!

Absolutely! All our cleaners come with a seal of trust as their background checks are conducted through the Sheriff's Department. We believe in maintaining a safe environment for both our clients and our staff, so you can rest easy knowing your cleaner has been thoroughly vetted.

In our quest to give Mother Earth a big, warm hug, we're cutting back on our paper use. But don't worry, you can still get a receipt! Each morning we do our invoicing from the previous day’s cleanings and we’ll email you a receipt then.

While we're turning the page on paper, your cleaner may occasionally leave behind a note or other paper-based communications like promotional materials or important updates about specials or policy changes. So, keep your eyes peeled each time we swing by!

Contract? What contract?

With Patmos Cleaning, you're not caught up in paperwork. We're all about flexibility, friendliness, and fabulous cleaning – no contracts necessary! You just hire us and let us do what we do best.

Now, before you start questioning the universe, hear us out. We often get this, "My spouse thinks I've lost it because I'm tidying up before the cleaning service." But, we assure you, you're not entering the twilight zone!

The best way to get the most bang for your buck from our service is to do a little pre-cleaning pick-up. And by "clean," we mean doing a quick sweep to gather toys, shoes, books, and remotes and pop them into baskets. De-clutter your kitchen & bathroom counters and tuck away those precious breakables. Get laundry consolidated and your dishes stashed in the dishwasher.

Think of it as a swift 30-minute blitz. Heck, listen to some Taylor Swift for Inspiration! #Swifties.  A little bit of pre-clean prep on your end can really let us focus on what we do best - deep cleaning your house! Because let's be real, your cleaning professional isn't a mind reader and won't know exactly where all your bits and bobs belong.😵 Your 30-minute pick-up will be a game changer, we promise!

Absolutely! Just like you tip your fabulous hairdresser or the diligent waiter at your favorite restaurant, it's a wonderful gesture to tip your cleaning professional too. A standard tip tends to hover around the 10-15% mark. Remember, these are the magic hands taking care of your sanctuary and making it sparkle! So, if you're thrilled with their work, a tip is a fantastic way to say 'thank you' for their efforts.

We're absolute suckers for furry friends! You can find our office bustling with cats and dogs pretty much every day. It's our sneaky way to test potential cleaners on their pet-friendly meter. If they can handle our office zoo, your home will be a walk in the park!

That said, while we're fast friends with most pets, your pets might not feel the same about us (at least initially). Dogs, in particular, can turn into overprotective guardians when a stranger strolls into their territory - and rightfully so, they're just doing their job!


To ensure a smooth start, we recommend you introduce us to your four-legged pals during our first visit. That way, we can get acquainted, and your pets can understand we're there to clean their castle, not seize it. Usually, after a few barks and sniffs, most dogs go back to their nap, letting us work our magic.

And don't worry, we know some pets fancy themselves as skilled escape artists, but we're always on guard, ensuring no adventurous soul takes a dash for freedom during our watch! 🐾

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Enjoy More. Clean Less. Starting now!