Ensuring Your Home is Secure While You Are Away

Home burglaries and break-ins are far more common than you may think. Fortunately, they are also easier to prevent if you follow a few simple steps.

Never advertise that you will not be at home:

If you know your neighbors, ask them to pick up your newspapers and mail and make sure your lawn is mowed while you are away. Piles of newspapers and an overgrown lawn are telltale signs that no one is home, which burglars will pick up on. Also, try to never discuss your travel plans while you are out in public near anyone who could possibly obtain your home address. This includes sharing on social media. Regardless of how excited you are that are going on a long overdue vacation, you never know who will come across that information and target your home. The safety of your home and belongings is worth far more than adding up likes and comments on social media before your trip. Try to post pictures when you have already returned, rather than checking in at every stop on your trip and giving everyone on the planet access to your every move.

Secure your home properly:

Sliding doors, especially older ones, are a security risk if you have not taken sufficient home safety precautions. Burglars can easily pop the out of the frames, even when locked. Put a metal bar or something similar in the groove before you leave, to make sure the door will be stopped and nobody can open it.

Do not provide convenient hiding spots for burglars:

Cut back thick shrubs near windows and hedges that may provide a good hiding spot for burglars to be able to easily enter your home without neighbors and other passersby noticing. If you are going to have shrubbery near windows, opt for ones that have thorns.

Use technology and home watch services to protect your home:

A smart home automation system makes your life more comfortable and provides the home safety you need, deterring potential burglars and helping you to monitor your home remotely. Also, hiring a home watch service ensures that a home watch professional will be checking on your home periodically to completely ensure that your home is safe and your belongings are not in jeopardy of being vandalized or stolen. Peace of mind is worth the home safety investment.



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