5 Spring Cleaning Tasks That Take 10 Minutes or Less

Patmos Cleaning Spring cleaning season is officially upon us. If it’s been months since you’ve deep-scrubbed your home, now is an ideal time to do it. At the same time, we get that the idea that you need to deal with everything from window cleaning to closet-decluttering can feel overwhelming.

The good news is that there are a number of tasks that you can tackle in 10 minutes or less.

Spring Cleaning

Start with the ceiling fans

Everyone knows that ceiling fans collect dust- which is why regular cleaning of your fan blades is a must. Savvy homeowners will accomplish this task with an old pillow case. Simply place the blade inside, close your hands around the edges and wipe from the base to the edge. The pillow case technique not only saves time, it helps prevent dust from scattering.

Move to the fridge

It’s amazing how much holiday food gets lost in the back of a refrigerator. Just last week, we stumbled upon a round of brie cheese that had been purchased before Thanksgiving, that had an expiry date from late-November. (By the time we found it, it looked less like cheese and more like a science project.)  Take an inventory of what you have and get rid of what’s expired.

Tackle the junk drawer

Yes, the infamous junk drawer. This should be cleaned out at least once a year. Decide what’s worth holding onto and what should be trashed. The amount of space you’ll save may surprise you.

Clean slipcovers and cloth shower curtains

If you have one or more throw pillows throughout your home, now is an ideal time to launder the slip covers. The same holds true for cloth shower curtains. If it’s been moths since you’ve tackled this task, be sure to add it to your list.  Wash and dry them on day one; put them back on day two.

Change the batteries in smoke and CO2 alarms

There’s really no need to wait until the annoying, low-battery beeping noise begins. Changing the batteries annually will help prevent it before it starts.

Spring cleaning experts

If you’re interested in learning more about how Sacramento cleaners can help get your home sparkling, call Patmos Cleaning today to speak with a local expert. Our company is licensed and insured, and we can help you tackle any type of job, large or small. Call today to learn why we’re the most trusted choice for housekeeping in SWFL.

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Patmos Cleaning